Prescription NRT
Meet the RespiRx™ Qnovia’s™ combination drug product designed to be the first inhalable prescription NRT (Nicotine Replacement Therapy) for smokers trying to quit smoking.
Every year over 20 Million smokers try to quit smoking and most fail. While technology has advanced, smokers trying to quit today are left behind with no breakthrough therapies made available to them in the last 15 years. Smokers know existing therapies aren’t successful which is why today the number one way smokers try to quit is still “cold turkey.” Even with therapies, over 90% of smokers who try to quit, fail. Qnovia’s™ mission is to change that with our application to the FDA Center for Drug Evaluation and Research to deliver a new standard in safety and efficacy for smokers trying to quit.
The RespiRx™ is an easy to use, zero-maintenance cartridge-based medical grade inhaled drug delivery system that will be prescribed by a doctor to help smokers finally quit smoking. Each cartridge is filled aseptically and contains both our proprietary aerosol generating technology and the drug product.
Breath activated
Ultra portable
Metered dosing
Support prompts

The RespiRx™ is breath activated by the user and delivers precise doses effectively via inhalation while addressing cue induced relapse behavior. The device tracks and displays real-time dosing to help patients successfully follow a 12 week step down regimen.
All of this data is easily accessible on your device, smartphone or both.

Next Gen Breath Activated Inhaler

Ultra-Portable & Bluetooth Enabled